Il Cristo Morto

Località: Monterubbiano

Good Friday in even-numbered years has always been solemnified by the Brotherhood of Holy Mary of Intercession, with the paraliturgical rite of the “three hours of agony” and the renowned procession of the “Dead Christ”. This Brotherhood has had the duty of honouring and praying for the deceased and celebrating solemnly Christ’s Passion. The monumental carriage of triumph built in the mid 1800s, which carries the 17th century casket which renders the vision of Christ triumphant over death striking, processes slowly along the main avenue lit only by braziers hung on the walls of the houses. The procession includes people dressed in Roman military uniforms, women in mourning who carry the symbols of Christ’s Passion, men wearing the black uniform of the Brotherhood who carry the statues of the characters on Mount Calvary and the antique artistic lights. The town band accompanies the procession.


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