Located in a position of considerable strategic importance, on the border with what was once the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, was long bulwark to defend the city of Ascoli and frequently the scene of bloody battles. I still recall historical fortresses such as the Rock and Morro Castle Folignano. “Castrum Murciae”, the main bastion of the avant-garde was conquered by the Romans, Greeks and then, in 578 by the Duke of Spoleto, Foroaldo, mercilessly called Fieroladro. The first historical, concerning Castel Folignano, are deduced from a document of 1263, when it was sacked by the troops of Manfredi. The current Folignano, already “Villa Sancti Iennari”, just between the seventeenth and eighteenth century. began acquiring the primacy of the nearby castle, which continued to accommodate the residence of the Podestà.