Museo di San Giacomo della Marca

Località: Monteprandone
Telefono: 3473804444
Sito web:

The museum of St Giacomo della Marca (section of the Sistine Museums of the Picene territory) is housed in the ancient cloister of St Giacomo sanctuary. It  houses many personal belongings and objets d’art dated between 1500 and 1800. Among the relics stand out a wooden bust belonging to the XV, the Saint’s crucifix, the globet he was poisoned with and His seal with the name of Jesus engraved. A part of the museum is dedicated to Monsignor Eugenio Massi, born in Monteprandone and missionary in China. He lived during the 1st and the 2nd WW, built schools, orphanages and churches, he established the International Red Cross in 4 cities to attend the wounded. He was a man of peace and social benefactor. He died in 1944 because of an air raid in Hankow.

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