Palazzo Chiappini (Municipio)

Indirizzo: Via San Rocco, 9
Località: Acquaviva Picena
Telefono: 0735765080
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Chiappini palace, the Town Hall, has an impressive portal enriched by the overhanging balcony with wrought iron railings. The eighteenth-century building was owned by the family Chiappini. From the wide staircase leads to the first floor, in the Hall of Venus, which takes its name from the decorations on the ceiling: the triumph of Venus surrounded by four myths of the goddess (the judgment of Paris, the toilet of Venus, Venus and Adonis, Venus and Cupid). From this room it leads to the Hall of Genesis, today Mayor’s office, so that the theme of the tempera paintings on large canvases, which completely cover the walls, complemented by tempera paintings on the ceiling. The Hall of Venus is also access to the Hall of Psyche which takes its name from the marriage of Cupid and Psyche that are at the center of the ceiling, surrounded by scenes related to what poetic myth. The ground floor of the building has been restored ricavandovi the Sala del Palio, a complex space suitable for exhibitions.

Altri monumenti a Acquaviva Picena

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