Palazzetto Branconi

Indirizzo: Balzo di Montegallo
Località: Montegallo
Telefono: 0736806122
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The Palace Branconi shows and feature harmonious façade comprised of elements are organized according to a compositional logic simply and effectively. The portal and the windows are arranged along three axes one central and two lateral symmetrical axis. Ornate elements stand out for the attention because they consist mostly of sixteenth-century elements of re-use, most likely caused by one or more buildings destroyed ancient Dodge. The interior of the building is a father’s house. On the ground floor, there are: the vaulted hall with a floor slab; the barrel vaulted cellar with the floor and a basement structure formed by solid rock; the original staircase of communication to the upper floors, the kitchen with fireplace. On the second floor, there is a lancet walled resealable who kept the family savings.

Altri monumenti a Montegallo

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