Chiesa di Santa Lucia (Poggio Canoso)

Indirizzo: Via San Fortunato - Poggio Canoso
Località: Rotella
Telefono: 0736374122
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The Church of Saint Lucia, in the village of Poggio Canoso, dates back to centuries. XIV. The first document that testifies to the building is the land registry of Poggio Canoso, of 1381. The main altar was dedicated to Saint Lucia; in one of the chapels of the church were the relics of Saint Lucia and Saint Fortunato, the latter invoked against hail and storms. The church was badly damaged by the earthquake of October 3, 1943 and subsequently closed. The renovations of the 60 have half measures. In the church you can see the copy of four paintings by Pietro Alemanno, the school of Crivelli (XV century), now kept in the Diocesan Museum of Ascoli Piceno.

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