Chiesa di San Salvatore

Indirizzo: Frazione Cerreto
Località: Venarotta
Telefono: 0736362132
Sito web:

The Church of the Salvatore is located in the hamlet of Cerreto Venarotta. Its origin and remote and dates from the time of the Convent of Farfa. In the Church of S. Salvatore, it was kept a table today is the Diocesan Museum, Peter Alemanno depicting the Madonna Enthroned with Saint Sebastian, SS. Salvatore and clients in coping Christ in the tomb. The panel was commissioned by Pasquale Marino and donated to the church on Christmas Eve of the year 1485, as a votive offering made to avert the danger of the plague or as thanks for being spared by the disease.

Altri monumenti a Venarotta

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