
Indirizzo: Via Euste Nardi, 39
Località: Venarotta
Telefono: 0736362132
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Venarotta, with its nine distinct hamlets, lies only 9 km away from Ascoli, in between the valleys of the Fluvione and the Chiaro torrents. The landscape is quite varied, as it is broken by gorges and ravines but softened by patches of cultivations. Its place-name supposedly derives from a stone-quarry or from a water spring located here, but fallen in disuse or driped up ( vena rupta). The local history, as well as that of many other towns of the Piceno territory, is interwoven with the strong influence of the Benedictine – Farfenses monks. In the town centre we see Madonna del Cardinale Church, an interesting monument with an octagonal plan. It has been thus named as Cardinale Bandini had it erected in the 16th century as a remembrance of his brush with death. In the upper part of Venarotta, known as Castello, one finds St.Pietro Church and the antique abbey of St. Francesco positioned near the graveyard. In St. Pietro Church we find two medieval capitals used as holy water basins. St. Francesco stands out on an isolated, silent hill; the antique complex is the site of sober 1500s cloister which reflects the style of typical Ascolan abbey architecture. St. Flaviano Church, at Capodipiano, of Farfenses origin, still bears witness to its antique importance with its isolated position and its simple yet solid structure. In the hamlet of Cerreto we find Holy Saviour Church (St. Salvatore). It has a 1500s portal and once housed and altarpiece of Pietro Alemanno, signed and dated 1458, now displayed in Ascoli’s Diocesan Museum.

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