
Indirizzo: Piazza Umberto I, 5
Località: Palmiano
Telefono: 0736362142
Sito web:

Palmiano is the smallest municipality in the Piceno territory. It is located 769m. above sea level in the valley of the river Cinante, in a landscape dominated by silent wooded areas and cultivated fields. According to tradition, Palmiano was founded by the Benedictines in the 14th century. The local archive was destroyed by a fire set by a group of bandits who settled there in 1799 defending the Papal Government. The village of Castel San Pietro is located above Palmiano. In the middle ages the castle was called Belvedere and was built in defence of Ascoli. The ancient name suggests the beautiful views it offers. Interesting Romanesque elements are visible in the buildings of the village center: a portal of the 14th to 16th century, the Parish Church of San Michele Arcangelo and the Churches of San Pietro and Santa Caterina

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