Montefiore dell’Aso

Indirizzo: Piazza De Vecchis, 1
Località: Montefiore dell\'Aso
Telefono: 0734939019
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Montefiore dell’Aso is a typical village of medieval style of the Marche. The center of the country is today well preserved were significant stretches of walls with doors and six towers dating back to centuries. XV and XVI. The evidence of the past art history are represented by the Belvedere De Carolis, spectacular panoramic terrace, Aspromonte through the door leads to the city center and you will reach the heart of the village, dominated by the Collegiate Church of Saint Lucia. Continuing the walk to the town center is a must stop at the interesting room Adolfo De Carolis, spectacular environment with beamed ceiling decorated with elegant single fourteenth-century trefoil. Inside you can see the sketches in oil on canvas that the teacher prepared to execute the frescoes in the Hall of the Palazzo del Podesta Four in Bologna; some drawings in pen and pencil blood and several original woodcuts, including the famous “Dantes Adriacus.” It ‘set up the exhibition by Domenico Cantatore (1906-1998), set up in 1989 which brings together many of the works of the painter and engraver Puglia including engravings, etchings, aquatints depicting people of the South, landscapes of our lands, etc. Finally, to remember the Church of St. Philip Blacks which is located just outside the center of the country, built on the basis of a small church in 1573 known as Saint Mary of the Mount, was restored at the end of the seventeenth century by the congregation of Filipinos who dedicated their founder. After the historical path artistic offer visitors heading to the lush and well-equipped Park G. De Vecchis.


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