Chiesa dei SS. Cosma e Damiano

Località: Venarotta
Telefono: 0736362132
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This church is dedicated to the brothers martyrs Cosmas and Damian, Saints doctors “moneyless”, lived in the third century after Christ to Egea, in Cilicia (now Turkey). The Church, with the Lombard-Romanesque facade, with its splendid rose window in concrete and grit, the portal to chamfer adorned with columns and cornices impellers arc, the top half of the front terminating in elegant arches and friezes and pilasters that frame the windows throughout the center of the aisles outside, was started September 27, 1922, a design engineer. Francesco Tavoletti. For its construction was used much of the material obtained from the demolition of the old Parish Church (located at the confluence of current via Marconi and via Europe, at the Town Hall), which was begun in 1332 and consecrated by Bishop John II Acquaviva, March 10, 1372 and subsequently unusable for reasons of hygiene and static. This church was solemnly consecrated September 28, 1930 by Msgr. Ludovico Cattaneo, Bishop of Ascoli Piceno, in the presence of the parish priest Francesco Veramonti and all the people Venarottese. The internal dimensions of the building correspond to m. 23-30 × 12-30 × 9; the bell tower reaches 20 meters high. The outer covering of the local brick kiln, wanted to prevent the elements of the corrusione stones sandstone used for the outer walls, the building gives the whole majesty and kindness. The interior has three naves with wide arches, contains, in the presbytery, an altarpiece depicting the patron saints, the work of the Roman painter Pietro Gaudenzi (1948).

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