Chiesa della Madonna delle Grazie o del Cardinale

Indirizzo: Strada Provinciale, 93
Località: Venarotta
Telefono: 0736362132
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The Votive Church of Our Lady of Grace (called the Cardinal) is an octagonal building built by rating of Cardinal Bandini in thanksgiving for favors received. It was in 1599, Cardinal Ottavio Bandini, Legate of the Pope in the Marche, was traveling on horseback in the hills venarottesi. In a difficult passage, his horse got scared and jumped violently to the ground, the prelate fractured his leg against the rock. He was taken in the nearby Church of Venarotta, but for the inconvenience of transportation and lack of proper care and immediate, far from curing the plague spread flared increasingly, to go gangrenous. Surgeons realized maybe later, they saw no other solution but to amputate the leg. But they had to give up even in this solution, given the extreme weakness and prestrazione besetting the patient so that it seemed inevitable the end. At this point there was talk of between Serafino, the Capuchin monastery of Ascoli, of his holiness and miracles that happened through his prayers. The Cardinal then ordered it to be sent for. Among Serafino he came quickly accompanied by the guardian. The brother of the Cardinal himself, Mario Bandini, greeted the two men and told him what happened and the situation critical and desperate patient. But between Serafino reassures him: Trust in God! His Eminence will heal. “It is possible that a large Prelate so good and so pious, to die here in this deserted place.” Meanwhile Serafino was introduced at the Cardinal and remained a long time in prayer, then he crossed himself and touched the diseased part with his crucifix. The effect was immediate. “From plague comes a stream of pus, and immediately below the relief and healing of the sick.” It ‘s really a miracle! One who just moments before he was about to make his last breath, he rose. Filled with gratitude Cardinal, in memory of the miracle, built in Venarotta the church, which still exists, in which you can admire two paintings, each representing the fall and the other to the miraculous healing (S: Serafino P. Constant by Pelisanne). The paintings of the church were performed by renowned Simone de Magiustris of Caldarola and the building is octagonal, and measuring 34 palms palms wide and 36 high. It has two inputs of travertine; Major looks down at noon, the other looks to the west.

Altri monumenti a Venarotta

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